Christian Ouija Boards: No. There is no such thing. Hard Stop!

Christian Ouija Boards: No. There is no such thing. Hard Stop!

Christian Spirit Boards. Yes, such things exist and they’re ready and waiting for the gullible on Amazon. Isn’t that special? NOT!

DECEPTION-AKA false advertisement:

Deception is everywhere. Keep your eyes open people. Friends can actually be frenemies. That concerned family member may be a narcissist vampire thirsting for supply—the ruination of your self-esteem. Religious leaders can lead double lives, as much as the next guy. And Christian spirit boards, often marketed as tools for divine communication, are on the market. Oh, boy.

Having trouble with prayer? Finding it dull? Those with an eye to profit, by means of money or your soul, have the perfect tool to replace old fashioned prayer. (I refuse to list/link the items here because that’s beyond the pale.) But these lovely, little devices have raised serious concerns among believers and spiritual experts-aka: those with the experience to know better than to ask Amazon instead of the big man himself. Yes, I said man. Sue me.

These boards, that look very much like traditional Ouija boards, are purported to connect users with spiritual entities—the good ones. We’re talking Jesus, the good angels, you name it. “However, many argue that engaging with such tools invites negative energies and spiritual risks.” That last is the gutted response you’ll get from the internet when seeking information on these lovelies.

“Many argue?” Seriously? Of course, google can only say many because, well, avoiding offense is the primary concern these days. Not truth, not surgeon general warnings that are mandatory on cigarettes, the same warnings that are absent from other behaviors that, hmmm, can cause cancer.

Once again, I’ll refrain from listing myriad nonsense that gets passed off as okay because vampires-oops, marketeers-are intent on fleecing the herd. Ask me sometime about the bone medication that was pushed when I was first diagnosed with advanced osteoporosis. The slick-smiling Sally Field and Blythe Danner—Gweneth Paltrow of GOOP fame’s mother if you weren’t aware—appeared overnight to create affirming commercials that made me personally ill.

This is what our friend Google has to say now about the eagerly endorsed product that I refused: There are concerns about the long-term safety of bisphosphonates (such as XYZ) as long-term use has been associated with atypical femur fractures, osteonecrosis of the jaw, and esophageal cancer. The risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw is greater in those who have received chemotherapy, radiation, or steroids.


Yes, we all must weigh the risks involved in anything we ‘choose’ for ourselves. This world revolves around choices. Good or bad. But the willful misrepresentation and lack of full disclosure—the sins of omission— really get me going.

I have since taken bisphosphates to address my bone issues, but only after reaching a point wherein it was necessary. When the risks were clearly communicated. Being told that a certain drug cures conditions that it actually causes was a big one for me.

That brings us back to revamped Ouija boards—devices intended to concretely manifest a person’s willful intention of contacting the deceased or whatever spirit might be surfing the astral plane. For fun. Don’t forget that theses boards are sold as toys, targeting kids as their primary audience. Can you say entrapment?

There’s nothing like introducing variables that kid would never think of on their own. Just give them a candy-coated shove—Barbie Ouija Boards exist, too—and off they go. The little darlings. Scamps will be scamps, after all. Everyone knows youth is wasted without the presence of tar pits, potential addictions, and all manner of deviant behaviors that boring people avoid.

Entrée the Christian twist on a party favorite. Can’t get cozy with the sleepover program, Sweetie? Just whip out your Christian themed ouija board. Comes complete with a Jesus picture to set the right mood. Cringe comes to mind, yet products sell because there are those who should know better buying them up. Free will gets us all! Choices come with consequences whether we want those lovelies or not.

The Origins of Spirit Boards

Spirit boards, talking boards, etc. have a long history. Some sources will insist that these games were initially created in the 19th century, when spiritism was the rage in the United States. The Ouija Board proper was created to take advantage of the growing market. But the idea of contact the dead via planchette was hardly new.

Even Wiki says this, “One of the first mentions of the automatic writing method used in the Ouija board is found in China around 1100 AD, in historical documents of the Song dynasty. The method was known as fuji "planchette writing". The use of planchette writing as an ostensible means of necromancy and communion with the spirit-world continued, and, albeit under special rituals and supervisions, was a central practice of the Quanzhen School, until it was forbidden by the Qing dynasty.[11]

Interesting, no? From what I’ve gathered those of the Qing Dynasty took such decisive action to staunch superstitious belief that led to political unrest. “False” prophesies and the like. But the people will play. The banning of activities can make them more exciting. Like a bungee jump with a questionable rubber band.

Spiritual Risks:

Engaging with spirit boards, even those with Christian elements, poses actual spiritual dangers. “Users often report unsettling experiences and a sense of unease during and after use,” is another benign answer you’ll get when trolling the internet.

Unease is hardly the whole of it. Try being spiritually harassed by something that is far beyond your ability to control. Anecdotal stories exist all over the place. Those same stories of what can and does happen to those who dally on the astral plane are brushed off by the curious and/or those intent on exercising their own agency. (Like curious kids who are intent on proving how edgy they are. I’m still reeling at the Barbi version, just saying.)

Did you know that germ theory was once scoffed at? Germs weren’t visible to the naked eye in the 17th century. That’s when the concept of germ theory began to form, as far as my research indicates. The reality of germs was ignored all the way into the early 19th century. Seriously. I don’t SEE anything. That reaction made the idea of germs the target of ridicule in the medical community. The experts assured us that germs weren’t there and so, people died! I’m grateful we’ve since learned to wash our hands.

How many lives have been saved by this simple practice?


Religious authorities of myriad denominations warn that these boards can open doors to malevolent spirits. This is not just a warning, however, but the disclosure of peripheral realities that many refuse, like the cancer risks involved in taking some wonder drug. “This risk is heightened for individuals without proper spiritual protection or knowledge,” the internet says.

But there is no protection to be had when one plays with a higher power, or those entities with the ability to see and engage where we cannot see clearly or engage fully. I can handle it is the case until—wham—you can’t handle anything. The disparity of power can be made clear at the most inopportune times. Like when a practitioner wants to do something else that doesn’t involve said entities that have decided that they like to play.


Human beings by their very nature are not in a position to control those entities which are beyond our understanding. We material creatures lack full disclosure. We’re not in the driver’s seat, no matter how much we’re indulged to think otherwise.

The belief that a human can control and manipulate an entity with the capacity to see what we cannot is folly itself. Do not confuse indulgence in human whims as a sign of human control. Have you never toyed with someone before? Or been the object of another’s fun? If not, think about it. If common belief dissuades boss/employee relationships on the basis of power differential, what potential is there for romantic delusion when humans dally with unseen forces?

The primary concern here is the potential to attract negative forces. “Spirit boards act as conduits, and without strict control, they can invite harmful entities,” is another fun one you can find on the internet that seeks to avoid offending anyone with pesky fallout. I’d like the definition of strict control fully explored myself. How does a human being who seeks the insights of a higher power or invisible entity hope to control said entities long term? Strict control is saying no. Or would you stick your hand into a random germ jar for entertainment?

Much like frenemies who pose as friends in the material world, these entities may masquerade as benevolent spirits but have malicious intentions. Ya think?

Psychological Impact

Science has also weighed in on this mystical subject. Beyond spiritual dangers, using spirit boards can have significant psychological effects. A scientific phenomenon called the ideomotor effect is absolutely real. The ideomotor effect put plainly is when our brains signal our bodies to act in accordance with our expectations, beliefs, and subconscious thoughts.

Look that one up as this article is way too long as it is. Suffice to say that even if every haunting, obsession, etc. was utter fakery, the danger of individuals basing their beliefs in revelations brought on by confirmation bias, buried fears, or pop culture marketing/brainwashing is not to be desired. Unless, of course, the objective is to control, coerce, and bamboozle. The unhealthy obsession with the mystical or esoteric, drawing individuals away from critical thinking, is dangerous precisely because it robs those effected of their God given right to choose.

Christian Perspective on Spirit Boards:

From a Christian standpoint, the use of spirit boards contradicts biblical teachings. Usage is a flat-out NO. The Bible explicitly warns against engaging in practices that attempt to communicate with spirits or the dead. That’s necromancy. This is not to be confused with praying in union with the faithful departed.

I’m wholly opposed to inciting dissension amongst Christians and all those of good will who need one another, now more than ever. We cannot afford the infighting. Deuteronomy 18:10-12, a passage which all bible-believing Christians accept to my knowledge, states that those who practice divination are detestable to the Lord.

On that note, I’ve written enough on this subject. I’ll leave it to you to draw your own conclusions by way of rational, critical thinking. Thank the Lord for that immense, precious gift. But consider this. Would you have washed your hands back in the day? Might you have teased someone who did?

Seeing may be believing, but seeing is no proof that something doesn’t exist.

If the idea of spiritual warfare intrigues you, please check out my series WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD. Snowbound Christmas Stalking and Psychic Summer Stalking are two installments that feature a small, Idaho town, normal everyday people, and the realities of what can happen whether we like to believe it or not.

Just click the pics to get scoop! Read for free with Kindle Unlimited, that’s Amazon KDP!
