Stay Safe: 10 Quick Tips to Cover Your Bases

Stay Safe: 10 Quick Tips to Cover Your Bases

Hey ladies, let's chat about staying safe without getting all serious and boring. We all know self-defense is crucial, but it doesn't have to be scary. Here are 10 simple tips that can really help:

Stay alert: Trust your instincts and stay aware of your surroundings. If something feels off, don't hesitate to change your route or find a safe place. Fear of embarrassment or offending others can lead us to dangerous situations. Your personal wellbeing is worth a blush or two!

Fight back: You don't need to be a martial arts expert to defend yourself. Learn some basic moves like punches and kicks and escape maneuvers. Aim for vulnerable spots like the eyes or groin. Practice makes perfect! 

When a woman is fighting for her life, the objective is to disable one's opponent. That means taking the low shot, making that squeamish jab, and generally tossing well-mannered behavior out the window. Queensbury Rules do not apply!

Speak up: A strong voice can deter a potential threat. Be confident and assertive. Hey, you. Get out of here! Back off! What are you doing? Once again, fear of mistreating others can hold a woman back from basic protection tactics. If someone is messing around beside your car in a parking lot, do not assume that they have a legitimate reason for being there. Like a dropped grocery bag or whatever. Be bold. Stay safe.

Speaking up will draw attention to the situation, not just you!

Use what you have: Your bag or purse can double as a weapon in a pinch. Keys, pens, or even your bag strap can be handy. Keep an eye out for anything else you can use to protect yourself.

Know your escape routes: Whether you're at work, school, or out and about, know how to get out of a tricky situation. Create distractions if needed.

Take a class: Self-defense classes are for everyone. Find one that suits you and learn some practical skills. You'll find the encouragement needed to keep the right attitude. Safety first. 

Tech it up: Use smartphone apps to stay safe. There are many that can alert friends or family in an emergency. Consider carrying pepper spray or a personal alarm too. Find out what self-defense products are legal in your state and use them. Guns save lives, too. The same goes for tasers. 

But both guns and tasers are dangerous. That's why they can be so highly effective when it comes to keeping you alive and able bodied. Prior to using any defense mechanism, educate yourself as to operation, expected standards, & state laws. Practice makes perfect in this instance, too, so go to the range to ensure you'll hit your mark.

Secure your space: Make sure your home is safe. Basics like locking windows and doors are often overlooked, especially in warm weather. Motion sensor lights are another deterrent to criminals, as being identified is not the idea.  Consider a security system. Buy a doggie. I was saved by my trusty, insightful, loveable rottweiler Cleo on myriad occasions. My husband's black lab Bruno can boast the same creds. Those bodyguards have since passed and I have to admit missing the secure sensation brought about by such unassailable loyalty. 

Big dogs are no longer on my list of things that I can manage. My wants have zero to do with it. Big dog maintenance is too much for me to handle and, in light of advanced osteoporosis, I have to exercise caution. 

That said, little dogs can and do offer alarm systems. Click into this amazing story about an ATTACK SQUIRREL that foiled a robber: Idaho Squirrel attacks burglar ( I absolutely loved squirrels before and, after seeing this vid, I wanted one sooo badly. Sadly, my state doesn't allow for squirrel adoption. More's the pity.

Stay calm: Self-defense is not just physical, it's mental too. Stay cool and collected in stressful situations. Recall what training you've received. Remember that the cooler head often prevails. And assure yourself that doing damage to a home invader, potential rapist, or bank jugging thief is the whole point when things turn ugly. You're in the right to defend yourself.

Know your rights: Understand the legal aspects of self-defense. This is a repeat of what's already been said but I cannot stress enough the importance of reviewing state laws. Stand Your Ground is the rule of law in Florida for example. This statute does not require the homeowner to give warning or seek to retreat before engaging in self-defense against a home invader.

New York residents have a legal “duty to retreat." A threatened person does not have the right to harm another person if the potential victim may have otherwise escaped to a place of safety.  Now describe safety. Behind a bedroom door? Upstairs? In a closet? This stipulation requires victims to prove they acted in accordance with said law if the situation inside their own home escalates. That hardly seems appropriate or fair when home invasions aren't the stuff of friendly sleepovers. As an ever-aging citizen, I find that requirement to be outrageous as I can be seriously injured merely by falling down. But I'm no legislator just an author who writes about close calls and doesn't want her readers to experience as much--ever. 

And with a bit of awareness, basic skills, and the right attitude, you'll be ready for whatever comes your way! Stay SAFE!

Be sure to check out these freebie book buffets before they're gone, too.


